Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Should I forgive this girl?

This girl, Dana I knew from a few of my classes, I couldn't STAND HER!!! She kept bugging me and my best friends. She would mother us, especially in out special ed class! I hate it. Dana was a senior and I was a freshman at the time. Dana could stand seeing me and I don't care what she says. I didn't do anything to her at all. She was SO jealous of me and this other girl, Angel (freshman) who happens to me one of my really closest friends.

Second semester of the school year, in PE, while I was on the exercise steps, she pushed me off the thing and caused me to have amnesia (not making this up). Then, she showed up at my 15th birthday party uninvited (last May). My mom invited her to come, but I didn't want her to come, but my mom didn't listen to me. I asked her to watch my 2 year old cousins while my BFF and I gonna get the water balloons and when I came back, my younger cousins broke my guitar!! I was SO PISSED off at Dana for not watching my cousins careful!!!!

Then towards the end f the year she STOLE my yearbook!!!! Hated to day this but, everyone, and I was SO glad she was leaving high school! I couldn't talk it anymore!!

Recently, my mom was telling me that I should forgive her, but I don't want to. It's been a year. Should I forgive her?Should I forgive this girl?
I would offer her the chance to apologize, then I would forgive her. Is she hot? Maybe she will give u a lil somethin somethin for ur troublesShould I forgive this girl?
Forgiving makes you feel better in the end.

If you hold a grudge against someone, it will always be there and just annoy you whenever you see the person.

If you just let it go and forgive them? They just become another person in the crowd.Should I forgive this girl?
no! she sounds like a real *****. and why forgive someone who has caused you pain and someone who brings negativity around you?

you dont need that in your life. you deserve to be happy...you don't need a jerk like that in ur life at all.
It really doesn't hurt to forgive someone. It may make you feel better knowing that you have made the effort to resolve the conflict. This doesn't mean you have to be best friends or anything. It just shows that you are maturing and ready to move on without dragging the past behind you.

I think you should forgive her and let her know there are no more hard feelings. Maybe all she wanted was to be friends but just didn't know how. As far as the guitar goes, your cousin broke it, not Dana. Maybe he did it when she doing something else but I don't think she would have allowed him to do it if she could have stopped him.

So, go ahead and do the right thing. If it doesn't work out then at least you tried. That's all you can do.

Best wishes
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