Saturday, March 3, 2012

My friends boyfriend kissed another girl at a party, but then his story keeps growing. Do you think they did?

have sex? My friends bf first told her that he got drunk with a couple friends and ended up kissing a girl, he was very sorry for it. That was 2 months ago. She was very upset but decided to give him one more chance. Then a month ago the story grew, and he was saying that the girl also might have went to second base on him but he "can't remember for sure." The only reason it came up is because my friend was bothering him about it and trying to pry more info out because she had a bad feeling about it. Now he's said she might have given him a BJ but he can't be sure because he was too drunk.

If you ask me, I think he had sex with the other girl. And I think his amnesia is very convenient. I want my friend to leave him, shes younger than me though (She's 20) and I think shes still immature in her ideas with relationships. I don't know how to wake her up, and I don't even know if I should try to. But don't you think he most likely did all of those things + slept with the girl? I guess theres no way to tell for sure but just how the story keeps growing, ugh seriously.My friends boyfriend kissed another girl at a party, but then his story keeps growing. Do you think they did?
I can relate to having a friend who has a real jerk for a boyfriend. Unfortunately, the best thing you can do is just let her go and learn from her own personal experiences. If you constantly bag her boyfriend, tell her he is not good enough for her or a cheater, she may end up with him forever, and get rid of you. If you have told her once you don't like him, then leave it. She knows how you feel now, so you don't need to keep drilling it into her. She will just get mad and sick of you. Just avoid hanging out with her when her boyfriend is around because being with him will just make you hate him more. When she talks about him, change the subject or leave the room, so you are not tempted to say something you will regret. I am sure your friend will come to her senses eventually, but if she isn't listening to you now then just let her make her own mistakes. Love can be blind, and she may just not see her boyfriend the same way you do. Whenever she bitches about him to you, don't reply, just listen, because anything you say about him can be used against you when they stop fighting. Just be civil, avoid conflict with your friend and see what happens. If this boyfriend is really treating her poorly, you can always approach him and tell him to back off. But remember, although his story does sound like a lie, you don't have any solid evidence that anything did happen with that other girl. All you can do is hope that he stuffs up big again, remind your friend about this event, and she will realise he is a scum bag and not worth her time.

Good luck

Make friends with the girl and ask her what happened.My friends boyfriend kissed another girl at a party, but then his story keeps growing. Do you think they did?
"He can't remember!" oh please. He had sex with her, he's just too much of an *** to admit it.
Yes it sounds like something more happened. That sucks. But it is better for her to find out now.My friends boyfriend kissed another girl at a party, but then his story keeps growing. Do you think they did?
I really find it strange that The Story keeps growing as well!!

I guess neither you or your friend will find out the truth be hide this tale!..which is aggravating ugh!?...uMm..

BUT..I don't think you should wake your friend have to let her wake up and smell the coffee on her own...hopefully she will get the picture soon...who knows...sOo if she wants a NEW bf then just try to steer her in the right direction of a guy who doesn't get drunk..%26amp; adds to his story and such an aggravating way! lol..

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