Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Does this count as amnesia?

Okay, so I'm writing about this girl who suffers a horrible kind-of break-up thing, and she moves to a new town and then she starts forgetting everything that happened in the past town, she only has random flashbacks which she doesn't understand. Can this count as amnesia?Does this count as amnesia?
no. amnesia is when u completley forget something, and dont recall it at all
No.Does this count as amnesia?
Sounds more like she has something to hide or has bad memories of her former home and her sub-conscious is blocking them out.

Try asking her questions about special dates or occasions and if she remembers the answers, she is almost certainly blanking out memories.

Most people can remember back to early childhood - in my case, three years-old.

Good luck to her. She may need professional help if it is that bad.Does this count as amnesia?
I think YES..the is the definition of AMNESIA:

Amnesia (from Greek 峒埼嘉轿废兾? is a short term memory condition in which memory is disturbed. In simple terms it is the loss of memory. The causes of amnesia are organic or functional. Organic causes include damage to the brain, through trauma or disease, or use of certain (generally sedative) drugs. Functional causes are psychological factors, such as defense mechanisms. Hysterical post-traumatic amnesia is an example of this. Amnesia may also be spontaneous, in the case of transient global amnesia.[1] This global type of amnesia is more common in middle-aged to elderly people, particularly males, and usually lasts less than 24 hours.

Another effect of amnesia is the inability to imagine the future. A recent study published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that amnesiacs with damaged hippocampus cannot imagine the future.[2] This is because when a normal human being imagines the future, they use their past experiences to construct a possible scenario. For example, a person who would try to imagine what would happen at a party that would occur in the near future would use their past experience at parties to help construct the event.

Why is she losing her memory?
Yes, but not exactly. Since the story is fiction, it'll be fine. It sounds interesting.

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